Toru Toru Marble

Another one that is quite noticeable in it’s absence from an online presence, is this one which can be found on the Game Ware Vol 5 compilation disc, Toru Toru Marble as it roughly translates to is an absolutely blinding logic puzzle game.

Imagine if you will, a late generation Amiga game, and you’ll have a fair idea what is on offer here – the game mixes CG set pieces with hand drawn characters, everything is very bright and colourful and reminds me in particular of Chu Chu Rocket! which released on the Dreamcast.

Two modes are on offer here, Story and Ranking – the story mode has some hand drawn bat-shit crazy cutscenes painting a picture of the story, I found this to be where the main challenge of the game to be, the ranking mode just throws you into the main mechanic of the game and is easier initially.

You’re tasked with clearing all the gems/pots/coins in the stage with only limited movement, you have to carefully judge where your character is going as you can’t walk back over a step once you have collected the item on it, leaving a footprint on a tile where something previously was, the only aide you have is a jump which will allow you to skip over one tile which is often the key to completing the level at hand. It’s all very simple but extremely addictive.

The sound of the game is of a decent enough standard, the soundtrack is quite funky and even reminds me a little of Toe Jam & Earl in places and suits the game just fine.

I strongly recommend picking up Game Ware based on the merits of this game, it’ll keep you engrossed for a decent amount of time in my view, no language barriers present aside from the story mode cutscenes .

Released : 

27/07/1997 – Japan

Price vs rarity :

£10-£12 – common