Die Hard Arcade / Dynamite Deka


Released in 1997, Dynamite Deka was released as Die Hard Arcade in the West. This game has you searching for the president’s daughter in a tower block (Nakatomi Plaza in the case of Die Hard Arcade) whilst taking down bad guys with your fists, guns or anything else you can find in the environment. This is a great 3D Streets of Rage style game that originally was released on the Sega Titan arcade hardware before a decent port showed up on the Saturn. Well worth a look. In Japan, all Die Hard references aren’t present including the floor logos found near the elevators in the Die Hard Arcade version.

The cover to Dynamite Deka, although nothing to do with Die Hard, has a closer likeness of Bruce Willis than any other version of the game strangely.

Released :

Japan – 24/01/1997     (budget re-release 12/03/1998)

North America – 18/03/1997

Europe – 24/02/1997

Cost vs rarity

Japan – common   (£25 approx)

North America – uncommon (£70 approx)

Europe – common (£50 approx)

Dynamite Deka gameplay covered here :